Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween everyone! Here's hoping that everyone gets the good candy today (you know, the kind that doesn't give you cavities or makes you gain weight!). I don't eat candy but I will happily accept beer in my trick or treat bag. I want to see pictures of those costumes! I will be kicking off 2 nights of costumed debauchery starting at about 8 pm tonight, with any luck I'll still manage to get in a not-very-hung-over run or 2 this weekend. Have fun!!


Kim said...

Come see our pics! Can't wait to see yours!

David Ray said...

I'm having trouble getting by the "I don't eat candy".

No chocolate? At all?


T Z said...

I am not much on candy, but I do snack on chocolate from time to time to time to time.....