Next Sunday (June 1) is my 35th birthday and way back in January I decided for my birthday I wanted to run 35 miles. I mentioned my plan to Bad Ben and it's kinda morphed into a real run complete with food & drinks. So please, if you're in the area (or even NOT in the area) and want to get in a good trail run, please join me at Clinton Lake in Lawrence at about 7:00am on June 1. You don't have to run the whole thing if you don't want to, it's a very well marked trail with plenty of places to turn around. My husband is planning on coming out and hiking a portion of it if that's more your thing. If it's forecast to be really stinking hot I may start earlier but I'll post if there's any changes. And for the record I'm planning on taking it slow since my highest distance to date is a marathon. C'mon you know you wanna!
Yes, I do wanna. Problem is, I am already running a birthday run starting Friday night at 9:00. We plan to run all night until we make my friends age (48) in miles. He through the idea out, and I have rounded up a half dozen friends to run with us. We will probably be all partied out by morning.
Have a great time....I am sure you will. And happy birthday, CMB!
wish I could be there---I rarely get to run with the nerds...but I'm in serious taper mode.
happy birthday--I'll give birthday swats at a later time! :)
What a great idea to run 35 on your 35th! Enjoy every minute of it!
We're thinking of doing the Sunmart 50K on my birthday-however, I would have to run that plus a few more miles to do what you're doing.
Have fun!
I will walk a couple miles on the beach in honor of your birthday!
Good luck my friend! Happy 35th birthday to you!!! I will be there in spirit and i will run 5 miles to celebrate!!
Quite the plan! Run long, run strong. Those of us too far away to join in will be looking for a report. With pics, please.
Say that reminds me, I'll be 50 in February.
Hmmmm . . .
Thanks for all the good luck wishes everyone... I wish all my internet friends could be there.. to drag my lifeless body to the end!
...as tempting as it would be to drag your dead carcus towards the finish line, I think we're sadly going to have to pass. But we'll make it up to you by seeing Eddie Izzard tonight at the Uptown and telling you all about it on Tuesday. (or telling Erik, since you'll be dead and stuff...)
Can't wait for the report! Happy Birthday CMB!!
oh crud! happy belated birthday!
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