Friday night the husband & I went for a night hike at Wyco park. Left about 15 minutes before sunset and did a quick 4 miles. We saw a bunch of raccoons, deer and millions of bugs. We also heard lots of rustling and "scary"noises. I wanted to try out a headlamp and figured rather then sitting on our butts all evening this was a good way to get out. I enjoyed showing husband some of the trails that I run regularly and next time we do it, we'll start at a different spot so he can see yet another section. We had a really good time and he got a great introduction to Wyco mud. Saturday morning I just did 5 miles but for some reason I went really fast (well, fast for me anyway), my fruit smoothie must have been turbocharged! I went fast and felt GREAT. All runs should be like that! I skipped the group run at Clinton Lake this morning... husbands band played last night and by the time I got home it was close to 3 am and to make it to the run on time I have to be up by 5:30am... I decided to sleep instead. After a good sleep in, I ran to the City Market and husband rode down on his bike.. did a bit of shopping and ran home. Unfortunately, it was hot and humid, humid, humid. When I left the house the humidity was about 65%... yuk! It's going to take awhile to acclimate to the heat & gross again. Some ice cold watermelon when I got home sure hit the spot... couple slices and your core temp drops real quick. Now it's off to Costco to pick up some fans so we can put off turning on the A/C as long as possible.
What kind of headlight did you get and how did you like it? Us gearheads want to know.
And one of the coolest things to spotlight at night is spiders. Their eyes reflect back like diamonds.
Night running is so fun. And, there's no better way to train for a 100.
All I know of the headlamp is it's a Petzel and it has both an led & regular lamp on it. My dad has a box of like 6 headlamps and let me take whichever one I wanted. Sorry I can't tell you any more specifics.
Have I mentioned how arachnaphobic I am?? Seeing millions of spider eyes in the light may send me into screaming hysterics.
IF the light attracts June bugs count me out. Looks like fun other than that. :-)
come over and we can triangulate for frogs over in the g.c. hinterland.
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